Saturday, December 29, 2007
thank you so much!!!!
Love and Miss Perth, a lot!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
10 band Indonesia yang keren
1. Padi
Padi is one of the most famous bands of Indonesia and they are from Surabaya! Fadly the vocalist has a very unique voice which became Padi's greatest asset until now.
Watch HITAM by Padi
2. Drive
One of the newer bands, and they're bringing out rock!
Watch TAK TERBALAS by Drive
3. Funky Kopral
There are not many funk bands in Indonesia and Funky Kopral is one of the best. Unfortunately I don't find any of their videos at youtube. I think I have given Elise some of their songs, tho.
4. Tipe-X
The most famous Indonesian SKA band!
5. J-Rocks
Their music is influenced by Japanese rock and that is why I put them on the list. Oh and because they're really really talented! :)
Watch CERIA by J-Rocks
6. Ungu
A pop band whose popularity is overwhelming Peterpan at the moment, hehe
7. Kerispatih
A pop-ballad band whose vocalist has a great voice.
Watch TAPI BUKAN AKU by Kerispatih
8. Jagostu
This band is new and has an indie sound.
Watch MAU TAK MAU by Jagostu
9. Cokelat
A rock band with a female vocalist and a very talented guitarist. The song here, Bendera, is a tribute to the Indonesian flag and dedicated to the Indonesian Army in Lebanon as Peacekeepers for UNIFIL.
Watch BENDERA by Cokelat
10. Sheila On 7
This is the original band of Eross, the guitarist from Jagostu, who is also the creator of Bendera. But now SO7 is no longer active eventhough they don't break up or anything. This video contains scenes from the movie 30 Hari Mencari Cinta (Searching Love in 30 Days).
Thursday, December 6, 2007
"Semua Tentang Kita" - Versi Kelas 9, Melville SHS
We hope our teman in Surabaya and beyond enjoy.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
My Activities in Surabaya
Fiuh,,here they are:
- Monday : chemistry lesson
- Tuesday : biology lesson
- Wednesday : private lesson
- Thursday : mathematic lesson
- Friday : phisics lesson
- Saturday : private lesson
There is no day without science...
I love to hang out...
But, this situation forces me to study hard for facing my final examination..
To get into my dream university!
I know I can do it!
And I have to do it!
Monday, October 15, 2007
An auspicious visit
School Principal, Mr John Colgan, led the delegation on a tour around the school and held discussions with International students from Indonesia, noting the similarities, as well as, differences between schools and the education system in Indonesia and Australia. Gifts were exchanged and both parties expressed hopes and commitments to foster the sister city relationship between Surabaya and Perth through the field of education by continuing strong personal and professional relationships.
Atas nama guru-guru dan murid-murid di Melville Senior High School, saya mau mengucapkan banyak terima kasih atas kunjungan Bapak Bambang DH yang terhormat. Kami menghargai perhatian beliau terhadap hal-hal pendidikan dan hubungan antara dua negara tetangga. Kami semua, mengucapkan selamat Idul Fitri.
Mohon maaf, lahir dan batin.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Its been a while
But we plan to keep this blog active.
We believe there will be another group from Surabaya, just like us, that will do a study tour in Perth, especially in Melville SHS.
Semoga hubungan antara Surabaya dan Perth, akan selamanya terjalin dengan baik.
Also wish us luck in our Final test on June.
Febri (",)
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
I Luph Surabaya, but I Miss PERTH!!!
Like one day, my literature teacher just asked me to tell my experiences while in Perth, in front of my classmates,
as my tasks. Meanwhile, all of my classmates had to do a presentation about some poems before. Ho ho... how lucky i was! Yeah..., but it was still not enough, because that is the only luck that i got :-(. For other subjects, my teachers kept giving me some tasks, homeworks and even tests. Hiks...Hiks... T_T
However, i always proud as an Indonesian people, especially who live in Surabaya.
I have great government, (which arranged the program and afford our lifecost in Perth. Thank's for Surabaya Government!), also I have patient teachers (who has been teaching me, so i could got the ticket to go to Perth),
loyal friends (who always support and text me when i was in Perth) and great family (who always help me to prepare everything for my journey in Perth,
especially my parents who had given me some extra money while in Perth ^_^),
which not all Australian people have. For me, both of Surabaya and perth are great!!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Back to Our Hometown
Sesampainya di sekolah, they gave me alot of homeworks, and tests. Saya harus berusaha agar tidak ketinggalan pelajaran. Saya harus belajar lebih keras karena saya sudah kelas 12! But I do not regret that I had had a trip in Perth. It was a very very very nice experience. Saya tidak akan pernah melupakan pengalaman itu.
Thank you for Surabaya Government who had given this chance to us. Also for Melville Senior High School who had become a host school for us.
Thank you.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
What my Surabaya friends say
1. Seragam Melville SHS bagus sekali (this is compared to our national uniform -white shirt TUCKED into grey skirt/pants, then add a belt- which is quite boring, I think.. karena seragam itu harus dipakai di seluruh sekolah di Indonesia)
2. Pelajarannya asyik.. (i think the best thing is that you can study science, social, language and vocational subjects altogether in Australia.. kalau di Indonesia, ada jurusannya sendiri-sendiri)
3. Sekolahnya keren! (agreed.)
4. Cowoknya cakep-cakep ya? (okay.. no comments untuk yang ini)
5. Hebat, ada komputer berinternet di setiap kelas! (yay! but no myspace, friendster etc. ^^)
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Black Sheets by Birds of Tokyo
Kemarin saya dan host family saya bertukar lagu. Saya memberi beberapa lagu Indonesia dan lagu Jepang favorit saya serta lagu band saya. Kemudian mereka memberi saya lagu-lagu yang dibawakan oleh band-band Western Australia (the most isolated state on earth?). Salah satunya adalah Black Sheets yang dibawakan oleh Birds of Tokyo.
I LOVE that song!!!
Salah satu lagu lain yang keren berjudul "I'm a Sucker, a Doormat" yang dibawakan oleh Red Jezebel.
Coming soon: band Indonesia yang tidak kalah keren!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
No Hands Waving
Carving an empty space inside...
I asked what it is...
Nobody answered...
I asked why it is there...
Nobody heard...
The warmth is starting to fade...
I dont want my tear drops fall...
Engkau bertanya mengapa?
Coz, I never wanted the stars...
I never shout for the moon...
I like them right where they are...
All I wanted was to be here...
As long as i can..
Is this goodbye...
I might as well just die...
Dont care of what draws near...
All I wanted was to be here....
Monday, August 13, 2007
One Night in Indonesian Consulate
WAAPA Open Day
WAAPA had good programs which encourage performing artists to take a career path in performing arts. They also have very good facilities to support their programs. Being a performing artist myself, I was quite excited to go to the Open Day.
Acara-acara di WAAPA Open Day dipisah sesuai departemen masing-masing. Begitu sampai, saya dan host family saya langsung menuju ke Jazz Studio untuk mendengarkan permainan band jazz WAAPA. Setelah mendengarkan beberapa komposisi jazz, kami menuju auditorium musik untuk mendengarkan beberapa komposisi klasik yang dibawakan baik staf maupun siswa WAAPA.
When we noticed that WAAPA had their own percussion studio, named the Handa Studio, we went straight there. They put on a fantastic show, where four students of WAAPA performed songs on percussions. They were awesome. Then we head back to the music auditorium to listen to a percussive song, written by one of the percussionists!
Saya tidak menyesal datang ke WAAPA Open Day!
Oh, did you know that Hugh "Wolverine" Jackman went to WAAPA?
Shopping Time...!
It was our second weekend in Perth. It felt so fast that we would leave Perth soon. Anyway, on the weekend almost the rest of us were going together to Fremantle to buy some gift for our families and friends back home. One of us said that there was a very cheap shop in Fremantle and the seller was Indonesian people. It was really cheap and they were so amiable to us. We were very happy.
Kita beli banyak sekali oleh-oleh. Mulai dari gantungan kunci, boneka, kaos, jam, dan lain-lain. Kita menghabiskan waktu hampir satu jam hanya untuk berputar-putar dalam toko dan menentukan apa yang ingin kita beli. But, it was really fun! Because most of us were girls and girls love shopping! Well, not all of them.
Tapi kita masih belum menemukan yang kita cari. Kita mencari coklat yang berbagai macam rasa.
We hope we'll find it soon.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Oopsss......She did it again!
Bisa dibayangkan betapa mengerikannya bila ada properti atau bagian kostum dance yang jatuh atau tersangkut ketika menari di depan semua orang. Di hari dimana kunjungan ke Attadle Primary School, penari jejer java dance menjatuhkan kipas tanpa sengaja. wah, untung saja bisa diatasi dengan ekspresi yang baik dan benar.
Memang . . . kehidupan penari itu sangat keras!!!
I saw something new...
thanks Dad...
for inviting me to see that concert!
I was really surprised when I saw WA Government School Music Society Concert Series 2007 last night. What a spectacular concert!
Some students from various scools showed their performance there.
They showed their creativities, their talents, their abilities, and the most important thing their courage to showed their performance in front of a lot of people.
The another thing that makes me surprised is the enthusiasm of their families for giving more soul and supports to their beloved performers.
I can't imagine how proud being their parents!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
A Thankyou Pantun
There are rythms there are rhymes
Thank you Melville
We had a great time
Its quite nice to be back at home, meet our family and friends, but it really-really hurts to know that we have tons of catching ups to do, including the exams. Its such a nghtmare, but its okay, its a job that we have to do as an Indonesian student.
Jujur saja, kami rindu dengan suasana di Perth, terutama di Melville. Disana kami menemukan kebahagiaan yang hampir tak ada tandinganya, meski ada suka dan sedikit duka, 3 minggu disana terasa sangat enak, tetapi berlalu dengan sangat cepat pula.
Doakan kami agar dapat kembali kesana, so that we can meet and have together once more.
Free Indonesian Lesson
Pelajaran berlangsung dengan penuh canda tawa tapi serius. Sangatlah mengharukan melihat orang asing belajar Bahasa Indonesia dengan sungguh- sungguh. Usia peserta rata- rata diatas 40 tahun , jadi mereka bukanlah iseng- iseng saja. Selamat Ibu Kate anda memang hebat!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
How To Play Congklak
- You have to be face to face with your opponent and put the congklak board in between.
- Take the beans from one hole and drop it into the next holes.
- If you stop in the hole that contains of bean, you may take the beans of that hole and keep going.
- Don't forget to fill your biggest hole and drop nothing in you opponent's biggest hole.
- If you stop in your biggest hole, you can take beans from any hole in your side.
- If you stop in an empty hole in your side and there are beans in your opponent hole, in front of the hole that you stop in, you can take your opponent beans.
Anda dapat bermain congklak pada saat Indonesian Lesson bersama Ibu Kate dan Mbak Penny.
Congklak adalah permainan yang sangat terkenal di Indonesia. Bermain congklak sangatlah menyenangkan! Congklak biasanya dimainkan oleh semua kalangan masyarakat.
Ada berbagai macam papan congklak. Ada yang terbuat dari plastik, ada juga yang terbuat dari kayu. Lubang di setiap papan congklak juga bervariasi. Ada yang mempunyai 10 lubang, 12 lubang, dan 16 lubang. Di setiap lubang dapat diisi dengan 4 biji, 5 biji, 7 biji. Hal itu tergantung dari banyak lubang di papan congklak.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Gridline 5, Our First Subjects, Wooohoooo!!!!!
songs that we're going to sing
surabaya.....surabaya....oh surabaya....
kota kenangan ....kota kenangan takkan terlupa
disanalah...disanalah....di surabaya
yang pertama...yang pertama kami berjumpa
ku teringat masa yang telah lalu
seribu insan seribu hati bersatu padu
surabaya di tahun 45
kami berjuang.....kami berjuang bertaruh nyawa
rek ayo rek
rek ayo rek
mlaku-mlaku nang tunjungan
rek ayo rek
rame-rame bebarengan
cak ayo cak
sopo gelem melu aku ?
cak ayo cak
golek kenalan cah ayu
jok dipikir yen podo gak duwe sangu
jok dipikir angger podo gelem mlaku
mangan tahu jok dicampur karo timun
malem minggu gak apik digawe nglamun
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Ungkapan Hati
Aku termenung sendiri
indahnya coretan tangan Sang Agung
Ku rasakan alunan merdu
dalam sanubari kahyangan
Hati ini menjerit mengadu
Ku rasakan pelita asing
bersandar dalam bilik yang gelap
Nyanyian tanya.......
nyanyian tangis............
Tak hentinya menari
Sampai kusadari........
Jauh dalam sudut hati ini
menyimpan suatu kenangan
dan ungkapan berharga
yang terkunci dan terkubur
Sampai kuteteskan air mata bahagia
dan kesedihan
Pikiran berjalan di atas awan
tak pernah berhenti untuk diam
dan kutemukan
Pelita hati yang berhenti menjerit....
Itulah ungkapan hati
yang tak pernah mati......
Dear Sadness, Is There Any Deathwish You Would Like To Say?
As you see an oasis there
Take a step backward
Hear the cries of sorrow
The cold palm hides
The curious mind explores
Hush my little tears
I shall not face you upon fear
A huge theme park is where I reside
Pick the flowers under the cool breeze
With the rain that drizzles from above
Menghiasi hari yang cerah
Inilah rumah
Inilah hidup
This happiness liverth for evermore
My Wishes
- God, please make my days here go slowly. I don't want my adventure here will be over soon..
- God, if you make my days here go quickly, please change the program so that I'll have some more days here.
- God, if you don't grant my 2 wishes before, I have the last one!
Please...Please...and please... record the lovely smiles of my family, mates, teachers and everyone here, in my mind. So that I can take it home and feel just like they're around me.
Semoga saja Tuhan mendengar doa saya.
Band Sekolah!
The New Cradle
Menjauh menindih debu
Darah di tubuh berpacu
Menggetarkan tangan-tanganku
Faced down on the puddle of happines
Reflection smiles upon the face of sadness
Even cold stabs from behind
It's blade shatters when it reaches the inside
Sit back and relax
They carry light and annihilate darkness
Six feet under is still far away
Plundger into warmth of caring and love
Langkah-langkah mulai pasti
Istirahatlah dalam hati
I never think...I'll get the most wonderful thing in my life
I never think that I’ll get it. I think…it is impossible. But now,I’ve got it. I want to thank God for it…
Now, I’ll try to be a good student in Perth. But all I really want is to be a good person for everything. Everyday in Perth is like a fight for me. A fight that is very hard to pass. Sometimes when I’m in my desperate I try to trust in God will give me a strength.. I think it will need a lot of effort. Someone has told me this words “ No word become sentence without an effort “ That’s true….
My life has changed in Perth. I hope it will be a good experience for me in my life although it need a lot of my tears.
Thanks God, thanks the Government of Surabya, thanks Mom&Dad and thanks for my self……….
Suatu hal yang sangat menakjubkan yang tak pernah terpikirkan.Aku ingin sekali berterima kasih kepada semua orang yang membantuku mendapatkan semua ini.Melalui hal ini aku akan belajar menemukan sesuatu hal yang sama sekali belum aku kenal.Semua hal yang indah dan penuh perjuangan akan mengiringi perjalananku menuju keberhasilan.Aku juga ingin berterima kasih kepada Pemerintah kota Surabaya yang telah menyelenggarakan program ini.Terima kasih Tuhan.......
I Hope I can find something that I really need…..
Special wish……. I never forget……….
How fantastic it is....!!!!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
An Unforgetable Scene
Dari sana kita pergi ke Restoran Indonesia untuk makan siang. Namanya Bentley. Wow, rasanya seperti kembali ke rumah. Makanannya enak-enak. Benar-benar serasa di rumah lagi. Tapi ada kejadian yang nggak terlupakan. Beberapa murid Melville S.H.S makan sambal satu sendok tanpa apa-apa. Bahkan kita orang Indonesia belum pernah melakukan hal itu. Muka mereka memerah karena kepedasan. Bahkan ada yang mengeluarkan air mata.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Our Arrival in Perth
After that, we went to Melville SHS and met our host families. Our families are very nice and warm (some of us have many sisters!).
Some of our first impressions: