Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A Thankyou Pantun

There is good, there is evil
There are rythms there are rhymes
Thank you Melville
We had a great time

Its quite nice to be back at home, meet our family and friends, but it really-really hurts to know that we have tons of catching ups to do, including the exams. Its such a nghtmare, but its okay, its a job that we have to do as an Indonesian student.

Jujur saja, kami rindu dengan suasana di Perth, terutama di Melville. Disana kami menemukan kebahagiaan yang hampir tak ada tandinganya, meski ada suka dan sedikit duka, 3 minggu disana terasa sangat enak, tetapi berlalu dengan sangat cepat pula.

Doakan kami agar dapat kembali kesana, so that we can meet and have together once more.


Anonymous said...

I really miss your enthusiasim and your sense of humour, Febri!

Make sure you keep posting here so we can keep up with your adventures.

ibu kate said...

Oh a pantun Febri! I have been promising to explain to the Head of English learning area what a 'pantun' is for months now. He is always on the look out for other forms of poetry from other cultures. I know you must be so busy now that you are back home but when you have time could you post an explanation of 'pantun' on this blog for everyone to see. What are the characteristics, the form, the rhyming and rhythm patterns, the history of pantun etc??

Pada bulan Januari saya ketemu Bapak John G, penduduk di kota Darwin yang berasal dari pulau Flores. Dia mengajar cara menulis puisi pantun dalam bahasa Indonesia serta bahasa Inggris. Dia ada ide untuk mempromosikan bentuk pantun dalam bahasa Inggris. Mungkin dengan blog ini kita bisa membantu dia.