Friday, 3 August 2007
Everyone will say that It was a Great Day for Our life... Why??? Because we turned around Perth city and visited many beautiful places. And of course, we felt so happy....
Friday was our third day in Melville. We've got exciting activity that day because I and my friends went to Mosque in William Street. Some of my friends had to do Friday pray. I was surprised because there were many moslems from other countries and some of them gave us a greeting like Assalamualaikum..... Oh My God! I couldn't believe I will see them...
Tetapi sebelum ke mesjid, kita juga punya pengalaman yang fantastic yakni kita jalan-jalan dulu ke semacam central city, karena dari sana kita bisa melihat suasana perkotaan di Perth. Banyak gedung perkantoran, central kesenian dari Egyptian, Bank West, dll. Saya juga terpukau dengan Stasiun kereta api yang tertata sangat rapi dan terlihat modern.
The one that I missed so much was Indonesian food because we had to eat Australian Food since we arrived in Perth. But sometimes we could eat it in our homestay. Oh... It was very delicious and I love the chicken fried noodles. My friends looked very happy to eat it. Although, some of the food have different taste. It was in Sparrow Indonesian Restaurant in front of William Mosque. After we visited the mosque, we turned around someplaces that made us very surprised.
Tempat yang pertama kali kami kunjungi adalah Kings Park. Oh... Entah apa lagi yang harus kami katakan kecuali Luar biasa... Karena di tempat ini kita bisa melihat pemandangan kota Perth yang sangat indah. Teluk yang melengkung membuat kota ini terlihat begitu fantastik. Pokoknya kita bisa melihat pemandangan Perth secara utuh dari sini. Tentu saja kita semua beraksi disana maksudnya foto-foto gitu deh. 20 menit yang sangat berharga mengunjungi tempat wisata ini dimana terdapat bangunan bersejarah seperti monumen untuk menghargai pahlawan Australia yang gugur di perang dunia ke-2.
And then, we visited Cottesloe Beach about 15 minutes. Oh my God...!!! How beautiful it is!!!!
The beach is very clean and well arrenged. I went close to the beach and felt the water. It was windy and made me so sleepy enough. And once again... We took some pictures there. Maybe it would be more exciting if we could stay longer. But we hoped that we would come back somedays...
At 03.00 p.m we arrived in Melville and we talked many experiences each other. How wonderfull it was.... then, We had ESL lesson with Mrs. Steward. It was a great day.....!!!!
Bye.... Have a nice day...