My host family in Perth lives quite far away from Melville Senior High School. My host sister decided to enter Melville SHS because it has a special music program, and for that she has to travel a long way everyday (and, during my stay here in Perth, so do I). But when I came to her music class last week, I knew it was worth it!
Dalam band Melville SHS, terdapat alat-alat musik tiup seperti terompet, saksofon, trombon, dan tuba, juga terdapat bas, gitar elektrik, keyboard, serta drum. Bagi saya waktu itu (dan saya rasa juga bagi semua orang lain yang baru pertama kali melihat band Melville SHS), band tersebut tampak seperti band jazz.
So when the music teacher played a rock tune out of his laptop, I didn't get it. It just didn't make sense (because I thought the band was a jazz band). Then the school band started playing the exact same song, but with all those brass instruments, the song sounded very different. It was awesome.
Benar-benar mengejutkan, karena saya belum pernah melihat band sekolah seperti ini di Surabaya. SMA saya tidak memiliki band sekolah. Beberapa SMA di Surabaya memiliki band sekolah, tapi saya belum pernah melihat band sekolah dengan alat musik tiup yang memainkan musik rock!
Wish I had a really cool school band back home.
Ide baru untuk pelajaran musik di Indonesia, mungkin?
Hi i'm glad you liked our bands. There are two diffrent types Concert which plays the rock music you refered to and there is the Swing/Jazz that plays swing and jazz music. Well see you later at school from Kaz =)
hmm, ....!
semoga para bapak-ibu pembimbing musik di tempat kita tidak pingsan mendengar idemu.
ayo maju, maju....
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