Monday, August 13, 2007

WAAPA Open Day

Hari minggu 12/08/07 kemarin, saya dan host family saya mengunjungi WAAPA (Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts) Open Day. WAAPA adalah akademi seni yang memiliki tiga departemen, yaitu musik, tari, dan drama, yang masing-masing memiliki beberapa cabang. Dalam kurun sekali setahun, WAAPA mengadakan pameran pendidikan yang bertujuan menarik para calon mahasiswa peminat seni di Perth.

WAAPA had good programs which encourage performing artists to take a career path in performing arts. They also have very good facilities to support their programs. Being a performing artist myself, I was quite excited to go to the Open Day.

Acara-acara di WAAPA Open Day dipisah sesuai departemen masing-masing. Begitu sampai, saya dan host family saya langsung menuju ke Jazz Studio untuk mendengarkan permainan band jazz WAAPA. Setelah mendengarkan beberapa komposisi jazz, kami menuju auditorium musik untuk mendengarkan beberapa komposisi klasik yang dibawakan baik staf maupun siswa WAAPA.

When we noticed that WAAPA had their own percussion studio, named the Handa Studio, we went straight there. They put on a fantastic show, where four students of WAAPA performed songs on percussions. They were awesome. Then we head back to the music auditorium to listen to a percussive song, written by one of the percussionists!

Saya tidak menyesal datang ke WAAPA Open Day!

Oh, did you know that Hugh "Wolverine" Jackman went to WAAPA?

1 comment:

jones said...

well . . well. . udah ada second parent ya, apalg kok baek banget githu, pengennya kerasan ya. . ok dech 'met happy2 aza, take care ur condition ya, okky dokky, goodluck

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